Artificial Intelligence and its Social Impacts
This panel discussion about «AI and its social impacts» will take place at HSLU Hochschule Luzern ( and HSLU – Institut für Kommunikation und Marketing IKM on December 12, from 14h00 to 16h00.
We will have four panelists: Jose Maria Alonso Moral (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), Branka Hadji Misheva (Berner Fachhochschule BFH), Yevgeniy Ilyin, (CFA – AWS), and Donnacha Daly (HSLU – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning).
Moderators: José A. Mancera and Luis Terán.
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved rapidly over the past decade, highlighted by recent breakthroughs. Today, many companies want to apply AI, regardless of behavioral, textual, or visual data, to develop innovative products or services that the market needs. However, there are many challenges not only on the technical side but also on various business aspects that should be considered when designing successful products and services. Therefore, AI- and data-driven companies must understand the technological and business boundaries and their interactions to succeed in the market. To drive this development trend, we invite industry leaders and academics to discuss their valuable experiences developing innovative AI products and analyzing the social impacts of this fast development. Panelists will share successes, failures, and constraints to spark further thinking and debate on the social implications of AI. We will delve into the ethical principles that should guide AI development and deployment, focusing on how those principles translate into tangible features like transparency and accountability. Experts on ethics and AI integrity from industry and academia will discuss best practices for designing systems that can explain their decision-making processes, allowing for greater understanding and trust toward AI solutions. This interactive session will include audience participation and encourage thought-provoking discussions on fostering integrity and explainable AI for a responsible and inclusive future.
If you are around and would like to participate, please register using the following link (free of charge) by 30 November.
Registration Link: